Will Tudor-Evans

Irene comes from a very poor family whose parents can only rely on the occasional seasonal work (primarily tea plucking) for income. In light of her strong performance at primary school, she was put forward for the Trust’s support. After doing well enough in her final exams, she began attending the academic Londiani Girl’s Secondary School in January 2013.

Will and Shirley met her in July 2014 and again in 2016 together with her very nice class teacher,  Gilbert Ruto, who was also sponsored throughout his secondary education by an American lady. Gilbert has been a great support to us by keeping an eye on our students at Londiani Girls’ who have all done well there.

Irene finished her final year at Londiani Girls’ Secondary School in 2016 where she attained excellent grades throughout. Her grades were good enough marks to get a government sponsored place at Maasai Mara University where she is doing a BA in Special Needs Education. The Trust continues to help pay for her for living expenses whilst at University, as well as paying for a computer course to assist with her studies.  Will met up with her in Nairobi in June 2019, where she spoke of how much she was enjoying her course and was hoping to pursue a career in special needs education after University.

Copyright 2021 The Saramek Trust