Simon Mwega’s sponsorship began in January 2008 after he finished at Saramek Primary School. His father had died and his mother couldn’t look after him as has was from a big family. Simon was on the streets when Sarah Njambi (then headmistress of Saramek Primary School) took care of him. He went with Sarah when they were displaced by the civil unrest in 2008 and completed his secondary school education not far from Nairobi.
Will and Shirley met up with Sarah briefly in July 2014 and Sarah confirmed that Simon was doing occasional work, having sadly not got good enough grades to get a government bursary to go to university. Will and Shirley met up with him and Sarah again in 2016 and were pleased to hear he had since started a Diploma in Business Information Technology at St Paul’s University in Limuru. Thanks to a generous Trust donor, he’s been provided with a laptop to assist with his studies. In October 2017 Shirley received a whatsapp text from him to say he had just graduated with his Diploma and was now hoping to continue with a Bachelor’s degree.
Will thoroughly enjoyed meeting up with him in Nairobi in June 2019 together with four others. Simon spoke of his continued goal to save up enough to take his bachelor’s and hopes to go on to be a Python developer.