Will Tudor-Evans

Marion Adhiambo

Marion was one of the top pupils at Saramek Primary school, doing well enough in her final exam to get a place at the academic boarding school Londiani Girls Secondary. Since her parents were unable to afford her secondary education, The Saramek Trust began sponsoring her.

She began at Londiani Girls in January 2019, managingĀ a commendable B+ in her first year. Will met her at her school in June 2019 where spoke of her dream to one day be a Languages lecturer. She is also a keen netball player.

As of late 2022, Marion’s school marks have unfortunately dipped somewhat, scoring a disappointing C- in her latest exams. Members of the Trust are working with her to try and understand the cause of the drop, and help her get back to her previous strong marks.

Copyright 2021 The Saramek Trust