Will Tudor-Evans

Kelvin Kiplangat

Kelvin was put forward to The Trust by Alice Segei, after performing very well at Primary School. He was being taken care of by his grandmother, having lost his mother early in life, who could not afford to send him to secondary school.

Under the Trust’s sponsorship, Kelvin began boarding at Londiani Boys secondary school at the start of 2019 where he seemed to settle in quickly scoring in an A- in his first year.

Will met with him on his trip to Kenya in June 2019. He spoke of his desire to be an engineer which fits well with his favourite subject of Mathematics. His favourite football team is Chelsea which members of The Trust are happy to ignore (!).

In 2022, Kelvin’s school marks continued to impress with excellent scores particularly in Maths and the Sciences.

Copyright 2021 The Saramek Trust