Will Tudor-Evans


Jane Dorcas comes from a big family and grew up on the tea plantations of Kericho. She is the youngest and none of her siblings had been able to go to secondary school.

Despite also working on the tea plantations to help support her family, Jane performed admirably at primary school and obtained a mark high enough in her final exams to secure a place at the academic boarding school Sacred Hill Girls High School, which she began in January 2014. Will and Shirley enjoyed meeting her there in 2014 and 2016.

Unfortunately her grades dropped towards at the end of her secondary education and she re-did her final year at Moi Kipsitet Secondary School where she came 3rd in her class. She got good enough grades to go to University but sadly for us she is not taking up this opportunity for the time being. Alice Segei, her headmistress at Saramek Primary and friend of the Trust, is keeping in touch with her and her family.

Copyright 2021 The Saramek Trust